Event Speaking
I fully believe that we can learn to live with intention (ON PURPOSE), to understand and accept our God given personalities, gifts, strengths and experiences (WITH PURPOSE) and be a significant part of God's much bigger plan (FOR PURPOSE). I love to teach and encourage others to do just that!
As for my credentials, I hold both Master's and Specialist in Education degrees in the field of Educational Psychology and am a licensed school psychologist as well as certified life and Enneagram Coach.
While those things may give me some credibility, by far my greatest asset is my personal testimony of overcoming a lifelong battle with insecurity and fear and coming to the place in my life where I accepted God's unconditional love for me and embraced my personality and gifts to be used for His glory. I love to share how God led me to On Purpose, abundant living and to encourage others in their struggle to find that same peace.
Possible Speaking Topics:
What does it mean to live an on purpose life?
How to use your gifts, strengths and personality for God's glory
Why a Gospel centered approach to the Enneagram matters
Finding yourself when your kids leave the nest
Get your hopes up: Why God cares about your dreams
Burnout in education: A job, career or calling?
Love Your Life: How holiness leads to happiness
Introduction to the Enneagram
Using the Enneagram for team building
Resolving workplace conflict with the Enneagram